The official dietary advice is based on evidence-based science and is meant for people that wish to eat healthily. The dietary advice is continuously updated, so they hold up to the latest news from health science studies. Here are some of the most essentials from the list.
1. Eat a balanced diet β not too much β and be physically active
Remember to implement a lot of vegetables, fruit, and whole-wheat products in your diet every day. Eat different types of fish, lean dairy products, and lean meat during the week β remember that variation is key. Maintain a good balance between your energy intake and your energy usage. Follow the official instructions in regards to physical activity.
2. Eat fruit and a lot of vegetables
Eat six pieces of fruit and vegetables every day β at least half of these should be vegetables. Pick vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, root vegetables, or beans. Eat vegetables for every meal, and eat fruit or vegetables as snacks β 100 gram of vegetables or fruits are equal to one apple or a large carrot.
3. Eat more fish
Eat fish two times a week for a primary meal. It is recommended that you eat 350 grams of fish per week, of which 200 grams should be salmon, herring, or mackerel. All types count: frozen fish, canned fish, shellfish, and clams.
4. Choose the whole-wheat alternatives
Eat a minimum of 75 grams of whole grain β it is equal to approx. 1 slice of rye bread and 2 deciliters of oatmeal. When you are grocery shopping, go for the whole-wheat options such as brown pasta and brown rice β and stay away from the white bread without any grains.
5. Eat less saturated fat
Cut down on the saturated fat; choose plant oils such as canola oil or olive oil, instead of butter and margarine. For example, fry your food in oil instead of butter.
6. Drink plenty of water
Drink water as a replacement for sodas, alcohol, and juice β this also applies when you are hungry during meals or exercising. When it is hot, you will need more fluid β you can also add tea and coffee, as they are low-calorie options, as well as being low on sugar.
7. Eat food with less salt
Read the description of the foods, when you are grocery shopping, to avoid sugar, fat, salt as well as making sure that you get enough fibers and whole grains. When you are cooking, replace salt with alternative spices or herbs.